Anxiety and depression checklist

Curious about where your mental health is at?

Take the K10 (Kessler 10) – a self-report measure of your current level of psychological distress, by symptoms of anxiety and depression.

This self-report measure is commonly used by GPs and mental health professionals.

After completing the K10 you can print your results – you might like to discuss your results with your GP and/or your I relate. Health clinician.

Important note: The K10 is a screening tool. The checklist does not give a diagnosis.

K10+ Self - Report Measure

The following questions ask about how you have been feeling during the past 30 days. For each question, please select the answer that best describes how often you had this feeling.

"(Required)" indicates required fields

None of the timeA little of the timeSome of the timeMost of the timeAll of the time
Tired out for no good reason?
So nervous that nothing could calm you down?
Restless or fidgety?
So restless you could not sit still?
So depressed that nothing could cheer you up?
That everything was an effort?

Kessler, R.C., Barker, P.R., Colpe, L.J., Epstein, J.F., Gfroerer, J.C., Hiripi, E., Howes, M.J, Normand, S-L.T., Manderscheid, R.W., Walters, E.E., Zaslavsky, A.M. (2003). Screening for serious mental illness in the general population. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(2), 184-189.

When I complete the K10 online – what happens to my information?
The K10 online survey is totally anonymous. We cannot track website activity, including K10 scores, back to any one individual. However, we do retain information about the number of people completing the K10 self-report measure and the levels of psychological distress reported. This anonymous data enables us to develop resources and measure the levels of psychological distress reported by people visiting our site/service.

Are you or someone you know experiencing emotional distress?

Reach out to your GP to discuss options or view our range of services below to see how we can support you. If you are needing emergency support please call 000 or view our list of emergency online support services below.

Providing affordable mental health care and wellbeing services

We know that struggles and navigating challenges are part of the human experience. We also know that talking to people with experience and knowledge of evidence-informed strategies can make a real and powerful difference.

We offer you the option to choose the right person for you. We are staffed by a team of qualified, experienced, and compassionate allied mental health professionals (including accredited mental health social workers, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, registered psychologists) and relationship counsellors.

I relate. Health is committed to providing affordable mental healthcare and wellbeing services to all Australians.

I want...

Mental health support

Access online psychological counselling from a qualified and experienced psychologist, occupational therapist, or mental health social worker. 

Choose the clinician you want to speak with and access psychological counselling from anywhere, online, without the high fees, at a time that suits you, with or without a mental health care plan.

Improved Relationships

Online relationship or couples counselling delivered by skilled and accredited counsellors and clinical psychologists.


* Counselling, including relationship counselling, is not subsidised by Medicare’s mental health care plan.


Our Wellbeing Hub is filled with information and resources to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing and strengthen your relationships, including parenting resources, mindfulness moments, and online mental health resources.